Introduce the Latest Technology Trends and Strategies in the Defense Industry

[Hall A] Afternoon Session

[S-Day] Future Ground Forces Development (Strategies for Ground
Forces in a Battlefield Where Trench and Future Warfare Coexist)

Topic| Will Trench Warfare and Future Warfare Coexist on Future Battlefields?
l What Should Be the Ground Forces’ Strategic Approach to Prepare for Future War on the Korean Peninsula?

Hosted by (Organized by)|Policy Office of Republic of Korea Army (Chief of Staff of R.O.K Army)

[Hall B] Afternoon Session

Chungnam Defense Industry Development Forum

Hosted by|Chungcheongnam-do, Gyeryong-si, Nonsan-si
Organized by|ChungNam Institute, ChungNam Defense Venture Center

[Hall C] Afternoon Session

Future Innovation IIFA Forum

Topic| 14 Topics about development of Platforms, Including AI-Enhanced Military Reconnaissance and Surveillance

Hosted by (Organized by)Army Future Innovation Research Center (Director of the Army Future Innovation Research Center)

[Hall D] Afternoon Session

NCO Core Competency Enhancement Seminar

Topic| Redefining the Role and Identity of NCOs for Future Battlefields
l Research on Causes of Increased Mid-to-Long-Term NCO Attrition

Hosted by (Organized by)|SCN National Defense Strategy Institute – Korea Army
NCO Academy(Commandant of NCO Academy)

[Hall E] Afternoon Session

Defense AI Development Seminar

Topic| Exploring Operational Strategies for the Defense AI Center to Support Defense Innovation 4.0

Hosted by (Organized by)|The Korean Institute of Defense Technology(President of the KIDET)

[Hall A] Morning Session

Seminar on Responding to the Crisis of Declining Military Manpower: Even 10 Years of Golden Time is Too Short!

Topic| Defense policies to address the decline in military manpower,
Strategies to reduce standing forces while ensuring defense sufficiency,
Limitations and solutions for reducing military manpower’s alternative policies,
implementation and operational cases of civilian outsourcing from the UK
Early execution plans for civilian outsourcing in alternate military and critical areas.

Hosted by (Organized by)|Development Association of R.O.K Army (President of AROKA)

[Hall B] Morning Session

Anti-Drone System Development Seminar

Topic| Development of Anti-Drone Systems Using Advanced Technology,
Necessity of Equipping Military Units/Small Forces with Anti-Drone Systems
Development Directions for Civil-Military Integrated Anti-Drone System
Introduction of Key Anti-Drone Equipment

Hosted by (Organized by)|Army Association Anti-Drone/Laser Center – Korea Anti-Drone Industry Association (Director of the Army Association Anti-Drone/Laser Center)

[Hall C] Morning Session

Symposium on AI and Ethics in Autonomous Weapon Systems

Topic| Discussing Advanced AI Applications and Ethical Issues in Autonomous Weapon Systems
(Featuring 3 International Experts and Conducted in English)

Hosted by (Organized by)|Korea Military Academy – Australia(Superintendent of the Korea Military Academy)

[Hall D] Morning Session

Seminar on Advancing Force Support Systems

Topic| Improving Meal Plans for MZ Generation Soldiers

Hosted by (Organized by)|ROKA Logistics Staff – Korea Military Industry Federation(President of KOMIF)

[Hall E] Morning Session

Saudi Arabia-Korea Defense and Logistics Joint Committee Conference

Topic| Discussion on Current Issues and Future Directions for Korea-Saudi Defense Cooperation

Hosted by (Organized by)|Defense Acquisition Program Administration – Saudi Arabia (Minister of DAPA)

[Hall A] Afternoon Session

[R-Day] Army Space Power Development Forum

Topic| Development of Army Space Power through Low Earth Orbit Communication Satellite Integration
Guest Lecture 1: Impact of U.S. Space Force Operations on Ground Forces (Col. John Patrick, U.S. Space Forces Korea Commander)
Guest Lecture 2: Implications of U.S. Space Force and Army Space Collaboration for the ROK Military (Lt. Col. Damon McCarry, Senior Space Officer, U.S. 8th Army)

Hosted by (Organized by)Policy Office of Republic of Korea Army

[Hall B] Afternoon Session

Seminar on the Ukrainian Armed Forces

Topic| Protection of Civilian and Military Infrastructure from Drone Attacks and Other Related Topics

Hosted by (Organized by)|Ukraine – AROKA (President of the AROKA)

[Hall C] Afternoon Session

Australia-Korea Defense Cooperation Joint Committee Conference

Topic| Discussion on Strategies for Australia-Korea Defense Cooperation and Identification of Collaborative Projects

Hosted by (Organized by)|Australia-Defense Acquisition Program Administration(Commissioner of DAPA)

[Hall D] Afternoon Session

Seminar on Advancing Cutting-Edge Force Support Systems

Topic| Discussion on Acquisition System Improvements and Development of Advanced Force Support Systems

Hosted by (Organized by)|Force Support Systems Project Group(Commander of Logistics Command)

[Hall E] Afternoon Session

Saudi Arabia-Korea Defense and Logistics Joint Committee Conference

Topic| Discussion on Current Issues and Future Directions for Saudi Arabia-Korea Defense Cooperation

Hosted by (Organized by)|Saudi Arabia-Defense Acquisition Program Administration (Commissioner of DAPA)

[Hall A] Morning Session

[T-Day] Seminar on the Development Trends of Manned-Unmanned Integrated Combat Systems

Topic| Trends in Manned-Unmanned Technology Development and the Impact on Force Reduction

Hosted by (Organized by)|Policy Office of R.O.K Army(Director of Policy)

[Hall B] Morning Session

Combat Development Seminar

Topic| Exploring Development Directions for Various Elements of Near-Future Combat

Hosted by (Organized by)|ROK Army Training & Doctrine Command(Commander of Education and Training Command)

[Hall C] Morning Session

Advanced Warfare Innovation Forum (ArmyTIGER Combat Operations)

Topic| Discussing Combat Strategies for Near-Future ArmyTIGER Using Advanced Science and Technology

Hosted by (Organized by)|Australia-Korea Military Academy(Superintendent of the Korea Military Academy)

[Hall D] Morning Session

Medical Support System Seminar

Topic| Application of Augmented Reality-Based Military Medical Training Systems
Strengthening Military Emergency Medical Support Systems with Integrated Control Systems

Hosted by (Organized by)|Medical Corps of ROKA(Director of Medical Corps)

[Hall E] Morning Session

Small Unit Anti-Drone Combat

Topic| Exploring Organizational Strategies for Korean Military Small Units in Anti-Drone Combat, Drawing from Recent Case Studies of Small Unit Engagements in Modern Warfare

Hosted by (Organized by)Small Warfare Society

[Hall A] Afternoon Session

[A-Day] Army STAR AI Seminar

Topic| Idea Presentation Session for Establishing Collaboration Systems Between Industry and the Military for Realizing AI.

Hosted by (Organized by)Policy Office of ROKA

[Hall B] Afternoon Session

(KAIF) Force Support Systems Forum

Topic| Introduction of Force Support Systems
Promotion of Equipment and Materials by Companies
Discussion on the Future Development of Force Support Systems

Hosted by (Organized by)|Logistics Staff of ROKA (Chief of Logistics Staff)

[Hall C] Afternoon Session

K-Defense Weapon System Safety Conference

Topic| The conference will cover defense policies and strategies for ensuring the safety of weapon systems, focusing on development stage safety, risk assessment for accident reduction, and methodologies for ground and missile system safety.

Hosted by (Organized by)Korea Weapon System Safety Association – DAPA – Defense Industry Companies

[Hall D] Afternoon Session (13:00~14:00)

Weapon System Force Integration Seminar

Topic| Decommissioning of Obsolete Equipment and Integration of Weapon Systems

Hosted by (Organized by)|ROKA(Chief of Staff of the ROKA)

[Hall D] Afternoon Session (14:00~17:00)

Forum on Expanding Global Exchanges and Enhancing Systems for Defense SMEs

Topic| Strategies for Expanding Global Exchanges for Defense SMEs,
Trends in Defense Innovation Technologies, and System Security Enhancements

Hosted by (Organized by)|Korea Defense Diplomacy Association – Myongji University(President of Korea Defense Diplomacy Association)

[Hall E] Afternoon Session

Seminar on Building Integrated Civil-Military Anti-Drone Systems

Topic| Key Issues for Establishing an Integrated Civil-Military Anti-Drone System
Developing Cooperation Strategies Among Stakeholders (DOTMLPF)

Hosted by (Organized by)Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy – Korea Electric Power Corporation – Air Defense School