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Number Title Date Views
The largest defense exhibition in S.Korea, 'KADEX 2024,' is confirmed to be held on October 2nd.
kadexaroka kadexaroka | 2024.03.21 | Votes 0 | Views 648
2024.03.21 648
The ground weapons exhibition 'KADEX 2024' will be held in conjunction with Armed Forces Day.
kadexaroka kadexaroka | 2024.03.21 | Votes 0 | Views 620
2024.03.21 620
AROKA-hosted ground weapons exhibition 'KADEX' has been rescheduled to coincide with Armed Forces Day, from October 2nd to 6th
kadexaroka kadexaroka | 2024.03.21 | Votes 0 | Views 616
2024.03.21 616
The ground weapons exhibition 'KADEX' has rescheduled its dates to October 2nd to 6th.
kadexaroka kadexaroka | 2024.03.21 | Votes 0 | Views 606
2024.03.21 606
The AROKA confirms the holding of the defense exhibition 'KADEX 2024' from October 2 to 6.
kadexaroka kadexaroka | 2024.03.21 | Votes 0 | Views 611
2024.03.21 611
The ground weapons exhibition 'KADEX 2024' will be held from October 2nd to 6th, in conjunction with Armed Forces Day
kadexaroka kadexaroka | 2024.03.21 | Votes 0 | Views 501
2024.03.21 501
[IT BizNews] AROKA invited 'Global 33 countries Forces Korea' to hold a briefing session on 'KADEX 2024'
kadexaroka kadexaroka | 2023.12.07 | Votes 0 | Views 633
2023.12.07 633
[The JoongAng] AROKA(Association of Republic of the Korea Army) will cooperate with AUSA for the success of 'KADEX 2024'
kadexaroka kadexaroka | 2023.12.05 | Votes 0 | Views 635
2023.12.05 635
[The JoongAng] 'KADEX 2024' is Approved the Official Sponsorship from the Ministry of National Defense.
kadexaroka kadexaroka | 2023.11.24 | Votes 0 | Views 605
2023.11.24 605